Week 15- The Comic Book (Revisited)

I would consider this less of an improvement on my previous version and more of an expansion, as I have more to say on the topic. The more I've read older comics (and comics styled after them, such as Tom Scioli's Fantastic Four: Grand Design ), the more I've come to appreciate them. There's an air of creativity and vision in them that's somewhat lost on modern mainstream comics. You read an issue of Amazing Spider-Man from the 1960s and you get a complete story with a wild new idea, whereas when you read an issue from 2019, you get a small piece of a story that may or may not be riffing on an old idea. That's not to say it isn't well crafted (frankly, this current run is much better than the past decade or so of Spidey books, but that's a whole other discussion), it just feels less satisfying to me. I mentioned in my previous version that creators seem to be encouraged to write for collections, and I believe that is because publishers like Mar...